Greenbird Big Contest 2019
Supported by Swarovski Create Your Style

Hooray! We are pleased to present the winners of Greenbird Big Contest 2019 supported by Swarovski. We offer to unfold the topic of the new crystal seasonal collection autumn/winter 2019/20 “Be Yourself” and to create the work for the contest based on the crystals from the new collection. The theme of the contest is “I am”.

Winners' entries

Category « Choice. Bags»


1st place: Якубова Ирина

Величественный Дух


2nd place: Соня Забродина

Упакованный мозг


3rd place: Маслова Юлиана

Моя Вселенная

Category «Swarovski Choice. Bags»


1st place: Соня Забродина

Упакованный мозг


2nd place: Смигунова Мария



3rd place: Вершилова Елена


Category « Choice. Necklaces»


1st place: Надя Пак

Кто Я…?


2nd place: Радченко Инна



3rd place: Александра Варыгина

Я здесь и сейчас

Category «Swarovski Choice. Necklaces»


1st place: Викулина Яна

Gamer: Origin


2nd place: Радченко Инна



3rd place: Красильнюк Ольга

Муки выбора

Category «People’s Choice»


1st place: Радченко Инна



2nd place: Якубова Ирина

Величественный Дух


3rd place: Мария Назаркина


All finalists of Greenbird Big Contest 2019

Category: bags

Out of the shadow
Белый шиповник
Похитители Луны / Moon snatchers
My Shadow
Величественный Дух
Сад моей души / Garden of my soul
На земле карельской…
Упакованный мозг / Packaged Brain
Добро пожаловать в мой мир / Welcome to my world
Моя Вселенная / My Universe
Бражники / Hawk moths
Свободный дух / Spirit of freedom

Category: necklaces

Лунный танец
Я здесь и сейчас / I am Here and Now
Аммониты и цветы / Ammonites and flowers
В недрах души
Королевство / Kingdom
Дикий Сад / Wild Garden
Пятый элемент / Fifth element
Тонкие материи
Акварельная Я / Watercolor is my self
На стыке миров/ At the junction of worlds
Я научилась быть счастливой / I reached the science of being happy
Странный фрукт / Amazing Fruit
Я — это ты, ты — это я… / I’m you, you’re me…
Муки выбора / The agony of choice
Gamer: Origin
Кто Я…? / Who am I…?
Щелкну пальцем только раз / At the click of the fingers
My Way

Contest Crystals List

Below you can find the list of the crystals based on which you have to create the composition of the contest work. It is not obligatory to use them all. You can base your work on any of the crystals from the list, and in any combinations.

Contest Regulations

  1. The topic of the contest is “I am”. The work that is submitted to this contest should correspond to the announced theme.
  2. Two kinds of works are accepted in this contest:
    — Jewelry for the neck
    — Handbags
  3. In the contest work the crystals from Swarovski new collection for season autumn/winter 2019/20 should used (please refer to “The approved crystals list for the contest”). The crystals from the new collection should be shown in all their beauty, and should set the tone and the mood of your work. They should be the center of attention!
  4. Contest crystals can be supplemented with any other components: Swarovski crystals from previous collections, seed beads, beads and any other materials.
  5. The work must be made specifically for this contest and should not have been published anywhere before.
  6. The work can be made in any technique.
  7. One participant can submit not more than 2 works to the contest, one in each category (“Jewelry for the neck” and “Handbags”). One participant can take prizes in several categories at the same time.
  1. Applications for participation in the contest should be sent to with a note in the subject line “Greenbird Big Contest 2019”.
  2. In the beginning of the letter the following information must be included: the name of the author, the name of the work, the website address of the author (or the name of the store, or the Instagram page, or any other resource where we can get familiar with your works). If you do not have a webpage or any other creative accounts in the social media then this field should be left blank.
  3. Then should come a brief description of the work in Russian and (obligatory) in English: what the composition symbolizes, what inspired you, the story of the creation — write anything you would like the audience to know.
  4. Upload the pictures of the contest work to any file sharing service (Yandex Disk, Dropbox, Google Disc, Cloud, etc.) and send a link to the pictures in the letter. Applications with pictures in the attachment are not accepted. You can send up to 3 pictures of the contest work.
  5. If your work goes to the final judgement, you agree to provide it physically for displaying in our showroom during Feb/Mar 2019.
  1. Please treat the process of photo creation responsibly. It is a very important stage as the preliminary judgement will be done by photos. The quality image will help the judges to see the beauty of your creation and the bad image on the contrary can deprive your work of the chance to win. Please do not leave the photo shoot to the last moment and may be consider inviting a professional photographer.
  2. It is better to use a neutral solid background and to make a close-up photo. We don’t recommend to submit the photos with people demonstrating your work – the model can unintentionally attract the attention and the viewers might not concentrate on your work properly. The same concerns the loud and distracting backgrounds. Please remember that your work should be the center of the viewers’ attention.
  1. Entries for the contest will be accepted until/including February 10, 2019.
  2. We will publish the gallery with the works until February 17, 2019. The works that do not reach the final will not be published on the contest webpage.
  3. We will announce the works that are chosen for the final judgement until February 24, 2019.
  4. The works that are chosen for the final judgement should be sent to us so we could exhibit them in our showroom in Moscow during March 2019 and also during the prize giving ceremony. 
  5. The prize giving ceremony will take place on March 30, 2019. Right after the ceremony we are going to ship the works back to their owners.

By submitting the application you accept all above rules and conditions. You also agree that the jury will judge the works according to their own subjective taste.

By submitting the photos of your work you agree that they can be used in our website and social networks, printed publications and catalogs, and other advertising products, and also in the website and social networks of our partners.

Contest Timing


Applications can be submitted according to the rules and beadwork requirements till/including

February 10, 2019

Finalists Selection

Contest gallery publication and selection of the works chosen for the final judgment till/including

Until February 24, 2019


The works that were chosen for the final judgment will be exhibited in our showroom during 3 weeks till/including

Until March 28, 2019

Winners Announcement

The winners will be announced during the prize giving ceremony on

March 30, 2019


Category «Jewelry for the neck. Swarovski Choice»

  • 3 winning places will be chosen by Swarovski company representatives.
  • The winners will get the diplomas and Swarovski crystals sets.

Category «Handbags. Swarovski Choice»

  • 3 winning places will be chosen by Swarovski company representatives.
  • The winners will get the diplomas and Swarovski crystals sets.

Category «Jewelry for the neck. Choice»

  • 3 winning places will be chosen by representatives and the invited judges.
  • The winners will get the diplomas and the sets of seed beads.

Category «Handbags. Choice»

  • 3 winning places will be chosen by representatives and the invited judges.
  • The winners will get the diplomas and the sets of seed beads.

Category «People’s Choice»

  • During March 2019 the visitors of the showroom will vote for their favorite works, looking at their originals.
  • Three winners will get the diplomas and the sets of seed beads.

Organizers and partners of the contest


  • The jury includes representatives from Swarovski, and invited judges — the winners of the Category “ Choice” (the 1st and 2nd places): Alina Berezkina, Tatiana Poputnikova, Evgenia Moore and the creative duo Musskary (Svetlana and Valentina).
  • According to the submitted pictures, the jury first selects the works that pass to the final — these works will be published on the contest website. After that the jury selects the works for the final judgement. All the works chosen for the final judgement must be brought in person or mailed to us. The works will be exhibited in our showroom in March 2019.
  • Swarovski and will choose the winners of the contest looking at the original works of the participants.